AWANA Registration

AWANA Registration

Awana Clubs is built on our 3B ministry philosophy of child discipleship: Belong, Believe, Become.

Brand new, one-day only
event on Saturday, Jan. 18!

AWANA Registration Form

"AWANA" Kids

"AWANA" Parent or Guardian

Annual Fee: (includes book, bag, and uniform)

$30   1 Child.
$55   2 Children.
$65   3 Children or more.  (Max cost)

***** Dues - Due at check-in each week - 50 cents per child****

"AWANA" Club Activity Permit

I give my permission for my above-named child [ren] to participate in AWANA activities for the current AWANA year. While expecting the AWANA staff to look after the safety of my child [ren]. I hereby release them and First Baptist Church Beaumont from liability for any injury or illness that my child [ren] may sustain during club meeting and / or additional AWANA sponsored activities.
I authorize the adult staff of AWANA Clubs to obtain whatever emergency medical attention might be necessary for the above-named child [ren] in the event I cannot be reached. 

Family Physician:

Emergency Contact:

Special Medical Concerns:

"AWANA" Club Rules Agreement

I have read the club rules and understand that I will be contacted and asked to pick up my child if he/she receives a three-count (breaking the rules 3 times) in one night. I further understand that my child may be asked to remain at home the following week.
I also commit to supporting First Baptist Church's AWANA club rules and the leaders involved in enforcing these rules and will endeavor to work out any problems that may occur over the course of the club year. 

Annual Fee

$ 30 for 1 Child
$ 55 for 2 Children
$ 65 for 3 or more children in family 

